

You can add your signature to the unapologist manifesto. Use the form below to join the unapologists, or, if you have already joined, use the Sign In form at the bottom of the page.

When you join, we will send you a free PDF version of The Unapologist Reader. You will also be on our mailing list to receive notification of readings, book launches, and other events.

Joining the unapologists also allows you to submit your own work to be considered for publication in the first Unapologist Anthology due to be published in early 2011. Full details will be sent to you when you join.

Join the unapologists

You can sign the manifesto and join the unapologists simply by sending us your name and e-mail and choosing a password. You know we won't sell or distribute your details. If we had that sort of commercial nouse, we probably wouldn't be poets.

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If you're already a signatory of the unapologists' manifesto, sign in to view the rest of the site.

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